July 27, 2024

Self-knowledge a little higher

We are supposed to keep our eyes downcast to avoid distractions, but considering how beautiful Dhamma Kunja is in springtime, it was hard not to look up once in a while at a song bird in a tree, or a deer and her doe’s crossing the path in front of me, or a caterpillar going about its day oblivious to my presence.

At 5:00 am on day 13, while on my way to the main hall, I looked up at the Libra full moon shining through early morning clouds. We had typical springtime weather with a mixture of rain and sun throughout the 20 days.

There is no point going into the deeper aspects of my experiences during and following this course. Obviously each person has their own experiences meaningful only to them. Suffice to say, on this retreat, I climbed the mountain of self-knowledge a little higher than I had reached before.