September 12, 2024

How to correctly draw up and take the course of Dekabol

The Decabol 200 course is one of the most effective for gaining muscle mass and enhancing strength indicators. Previously, nandrolone decanoate was marketed under the name Retabolil . Today it cannot be bought at a pharmacy, but its popularity has not diminished. It should be noted right away that taking Decabol can lead to harmful effects even when taking a normalized dosage. Before taking Decabol 200, you need to consult with your doctor and establish for yourself the possibility of taking such a strong drug. The effectiveness and consequences of the admission depend on the correct choice of the course.

This medication is in the form of a concentrated liquid. In addition to its anabolic effect, the active ingredient in this supplement is often used for medicinal purposes. It is used to treat breast cancer and other diseases associated with the reproductive system of the body. For an athlete, the need to take Decabol arises before professional competitions, or during the period of active muscle gain. More details on the link:

What effect occurs after taking Decabol?

Reviews about Deca British Dragon indicate its effectiveness. This is especially evident in comparison with the intake of testosterone. Biologically, there is one difference between the structure of Decabol and testosterones – it lies in the carbon atom, which is absent in the described drug. Despite the possible side effects, there is no androgenic effect on the body. Athletes note that after taking it, the rollback is minimal and reaches only 10% – 15% of the total weight gain.

The effectiveness of Decabol 200 is 50-70% higher than that of testosterone. The lack of aromatization also sets it apart from other anabolic steroids. In the process of taking the course, muscle mass gain of about eight kilograms is observed, subject to the average recommended dosage. The main condition for admission is the observance of these boundaries.

Buy Decabol in Canada is important for strength athletes. In the process of biological effects on the body, the active substance promotes the production of collagen and synovial fluid. Many people note that after taking the pain in the joints disappear (if any). This is true for athletes who experience frequent high loads on the connective tissues of the body as a result of the impact of heavy weights. Drying the body locally is effective for those who follow a standard diet. With a large intake of carbohydrates, visually, muscles grow one or more centimeters.

Decabol has a positive effect on the immune system of our body. Due to the property of hematopoiesis, the exchange of useful elements in the body increases, as does the pumping effect . The approximate time required for visualization and manifestation of the main property is from two to three weeks. The indicator depends on the selected dosage.

Features of taking the drug Decabol:

  1. The hormonal system of the body is stabilized during the course of the course (the drug is not recommended for women);
  2. This substance is one of the derivatives of the male hormone testosterone, due to which its production is enhanced, and the body’s hidden capabilities in terms of physical strength and muscles are activated;

Side effects are possible in case of non-compliance with the standardized dosage.

For Decabol 200, the price remains stable and affordable for athletes. The cost of the drug does not exceed the price of similar anabolic steroids, however, the effect of Decabol can be better expressed.

How to correctly draw up and take the course of Dekabol

The recommended course length should be eight to ten weeks. One injection per week should be 200 to 400 milligrams. During this period, all the necessary biological processes have time to be activated. The observed recoil of athletes after the completion of the drug intake is insignificant 10%, which is expressed visually and physiologically.

There are a number of prerequisites for taking Decabol 200. The first of them is the need for concurrent administration of hormonal anabolic drugs based on testosterone. In this case, the dosage of testosterone should be one and a half or two times higher, in contrast to Decabol . The male hormone acts here as a background active substance.

In the process of taking the course, the athlete must carefully monitor the level of prolactin in the body, preventing its decrease. It can be raised with available drugs, including Dostinex or Bergolac. All information on the site:

Our store offers Decabol to buy in the original version from the well-known British Dragon company.

How likely are side effects?

The appearance of a negative effect on the body from taking this drug depends not only on the selected dosage, but also on biological factors and characteristics of the body. If you notice the appearance of acne (skin rashes, irritation), then you need to reduce the dosage of the drug. Athletes often have high blood pressure after ingestion and become irritable and aggressive. These manifestations normalize after taking a recovery course or as a result of a decrease in dosage. Follow the recommendations for intake described above.